In May 1880, the families of Benjamin and Susan Clizer, John and Nancy Clizer and and their sister Sarah (Sallie) Clizer headed out to the Northwest Territory from Missouri. See Oregon Trail map at bottom of this page. They crossed the great plains in a train of 110 wagons. The journey took nearly 3 months. They started out three times before finally making the trip. They were turned back once because of uprisings in the Black Hills and once because of the measles. Some of John and Benjamin Clizer's daughters had to wear boys clothing and keep their hair up under their hats so that the Indians would think they were boys and not kidnap them. Click on link for a close-up of the Oregon Trail map.
They crossed the plains of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. They were recorded
in the 1880 Federal Census at Ft. Laramie. From Ft. Laramie, they travelled northwest through the Rockies of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. See Oregon Trail map below this page. They finally settled in eastern Washington around Tekoa, Farmington and Latah in south eastern Washington. See map of Whitman County link below. The towns of Tekoa, Farmington and Latah appear in upper right corner. The picture below here on the right give you an idea on what the interior looked like on one of these prairie schooners / covered wagons.